Welcome to the BuildForce E-Learning Centre.
BuildForce Canada is a national organization committed to the development of a highly skilled construction workforce. One of our ongoing programs is the development of online courses.
All of our online courses are administered through local distributors. In order to access any of our courses and complete your registration, you must contact your distributor to receive a course PIN number.
Once you have a course PIN number, select Click to Register or Enroll.
NETCO is Canada’s National Electrical Trade Council.
As an alliance of the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Canada, NETCO is the authoritative, pan-Canadian voice of electrical contractors and IBEW local unions representing apprentices and journeypersons in every province and territory.
NETCO’s mandate is to promote national standards in electrical skills training and to advocate on policy issues of importance to our partner organizations.